Laundry Service

1. What is the cost for a laundry service?

- Please refer to the "PRICE LIST" page.

2. How do I get my laundry picked up and delivered back to my place?

- We use Gino Delivery Service. You can make an arrangement with Gino. Gino will charge you for the delivery fees. Or we can arrange with Gino and charge you for the delivery fees. (Customers with delivery services are required to complete a Credit Card Authorisation Form prior to laundry and delivery service commencement). 

3. How much is the delivery fee?

- $5 each way (Mount Gambier)

4. What else is required from me?

- Baskets/bags to be clearly marked with your NAME and ADDRESS.



I don't know how to use the machines?

- Please refer to the "TAP & PAY INSTURCTIONS".



1. I put my washing into the washer, set the dial to the correct washer number, the washer did not start after I tapped my card?

- Make sure you select the CORRECT PAYMENT AMOUNT REQUIRED. Please refer to the "TAP & PAY INSTRUCTIONS". 

2. I cannot use my card to start the machine?

- Make sure your card is not worn out (try pushing it all the way). Make sure your card/device is activated for online transactions and fund is available. 

3. I have two loads of washing in two washers. Paid (by card) for both. But one or both of the washers still require me to top up the amount?

- Please make sure you pay and start the washers, ONE WASHER AT A TIME ONLY unless both washers require the same amount of payment. (For example, your $6 payment might have gone to the $9 washer and your $9 payment might have gone to the $6 washer. In this case, you can start the $6 washer, but you cannot start the $9 washer. You will need a top up of $3 in order to be able to start the $9 washer).

4. The washing cycle does not complete properly, my clothes are still wet?

- Technical issue. Please start the washer again and contact us for a refund. We prefer you text us. 



1. I add more money but the time does not increase?

- Please press the "START" button after adding the money. The time will not increase until you press the "START" button.

2. The heat comes out but the motor does not spin/ the motor spins but there is a metal scraping sound?

- A nail/screw gets stuck in the drum. Please call us for assistance or stop the dryer by opening the door (leave the door open) and use another dryer. Please contact us for a refund.

3. There is no heat in the dryer?

- Please user another dryer and contact us.


Contact Details

Nay or Kerry
17 Crouch St South
Mount Gambier, SA 5290
0439 822 511
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Laundry Location

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